
Creative to launch eco-friendly products globally

Engages high-tech companies in China

Creative Technology, a global provider of digital entertainment products, is collaborating with a number of high-tech companies in China to bring advanced technology and eco-friendly products in the country and elsewhere.

This initiative will be supported by ZiiLABS, a media processor and platforms company, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Creative Technology. Together, these companies will explore ways to bring high-tech environmentally friendly products using ZiiLABS' StemCell computing technology.

World-class products

Zii Plaszma Platform will help companies to bring high quality, high performance products rapidly to markets worldwide. Discussions to this effect are being held at Zii Summit 2009 (1-2 December) and are part of Creative's strategy of engaging China's high-tech companies.

Earlier this year, Creative announced its intention to engage the huge OEM market in China, noted Sim Wong Hoo, founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Creative Technology. The company is now in this country to engage both new and old partners for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Hoo said Creative's partners can greatly benefit from the Zii Ecosystem boasting a full suite of development platforms, devices, services, and content. By leveraging Zii Ecosystem, ready-to-go technologies, brand equities, industrial designs, efficient manufacturing capabilities, marketing experience and supply chain infrastructure, these partners can rapidly create world-class products under their own brands for the global market.

'Green' solutions from Zii

The summit showcases a variety of OEM-ready Zii devices powered by ZiiLABS' ZMS-05 and ZMS-08 media-rich application processors. The former is an energy efficient chip targeted for the mass market and the ZMS-08 is ideal for media-rich handheld devices.

Creative officials note a popular Zii-powered dual OS concept mobile phone which supports the Plaszma OS and Android OS. Other Zii-powered devices displayed in this summit were a desktop touch screen video conferencing device, a Web-box, a 360-degree multi-view camera system, a PCI Express add-on card that has the ability to instantly empower notebooks with HD video encoding for high-quality video conferencing, and a pocket-sized synthesiser that can emulate the sound of some of the world's best pianos.

Visitors also got a chance to see the world's smallest credit card-sized Blu-ray quality media player. This device is based on the ZMS-08 chip. Creative also intends to give a sneak preview of the full ZiiLife suite of services at this event.

Featuring advanced content capabilities, ZiiLife is ideal for content and OEM partners. This suite is designed to help them create future entertainment and education solutions.

Hoo expressed his company's commitment towards the success of Creative's partners. To this effect, the company has already invested more than US$1 billion to build a flexible, scalable and power efficient range of developer's building blocks.

These solutions will help the partners to create eco-friendly world-class products and make profits.

"By proliferating StemCell Computing Technology together, there is a great potential to transform the way we live, and help mankind move forward towards a greener planet. Collectively, we now have the potential to rehabilitate the earth and create a sustainable planet for ourselves and future generations to come," he added.

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