No big iPhone queues in London

O2 more popular than PAYG-less carphone Warehouse

Despite reports that demand for Apple's new iPhone 3G S resulted in long queues of people lining up outside Apple Stores and reseller shops, London remained unfazed by the launch.

Twitter feedback suggests that UK reseller Carphone Warehouse was relatively free of queues on the morning of the launch, as this 9am picture of the Islington Upper Street branch shows. Interestingly, the huddle of people in the background are queuing at the O2 store a few doors down from Carphone Warehouse.

O2 was selling the PAYG iPhone 3G S, so maybe that explains why people would rather queue at O2 than walk into the Carphone Warehouse shop. There was considerable anger from expectant iPhone PAYGers who discovered on the day that Carphone Warehouse was not selling that model.

Things weren't so smooth for customers who had pre-ordered their iPhone from Carphone Warehouse. These people were sent away as the reseller had failed to deliver them the evening before for morning pick up.

In Paris, several hundred people waited patiently in front of the Orange store on the Champs-Elyses, to the bemusement of passing tourists.

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