The Sims 3 visits halloween with Supernatural expansion pack

Seventh and latest expansion to Sims 3 gets all spooky

The Sims 3 phenomenon is showing now signs of slowing down, with the seventh expansion to the game coming out.

Sims 3: Supernatural assistant producer, Megan Myers, said the key concept of the expansion is to enable players to create supernatural characters.

“You have the ability to create creatures straight from the beginning of the game,” shesaid.

Players in the Sims 3 can die, but now they have the ability to come back to life and play as a ghost.

“You also have the ability to customise the ghost,” Myers said.

The player can create a Sim from a toddler, which can then have supernatural abilities and grow into their abilities as they get older.

Every colour under the moon

New skin tones mean that users are able to create anything from a green witch to an orange fairy.

The game starts in a “quaint little town with a hidden secret,” with graveyards and new venues for the player to explore.

“You can go to a tavern where werewolves hang out, and it serves as a great place to find them,” Myers said.

“There is also a lounge where there are vampires and a garden where fairies hang out, but anyone can go there.”

At the library, players have the opportunity to take alchemy classes.

“Alchemy is a skill so anyone can be an alchemist, unlike a supernaturalist,” Myers said.

There is even a traveller’s wagon where the player can have a fortune teller read their fortune.

Bad moon rising

The game consists of small details that add to the Sims experience, such as a full moon causing a Sim to transform into a wolf.

“Instead of a static moon, it will phase and crazy may happen when it is full,” Myers said.

“However, if a werewolf transformation happens in a park, people will be scared and run away.”

There are unique Sim characteristics where a werewolf can eat things raw, while fairies are tricksters and mischievous.

Players can learn recipes, with each one having its own sets of ingredients, encouraging Sims to go around the town looking for ingredients.

“There are elixirs for weight lost, ones that reduce the need for sleep, and so on,” Myers said.

“You can send these elixirs to your friends, and your friend does not need the Supernatural expansion to receive them.”

Myers confirmed that there will be a limited edition of the expansion pack, with items based on the Plants Vs. Zombies smartphone/tablet game, such as pea shooters and themed outfits, being included.

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Tags pc gameselectronic artsThe Sims 3 World Adventures

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