Tesla switches on 10 charging stations in Australia

Launches destination charging program across Australia's east cost

Tesla Model S charging from a destination charger

Tesla Model S charging from a destination charger

Tesla Motors is improving its electric car infrastructure by adding 10 charging stations along Australia’s east coast.

The charging stations are part of Tesla’s ‘destination charging program’ and are in addition to the company’s existing three superchargers.

Charging stations have been installed at various locations in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne. These include long-stay locations, such as shopping centres, hotels, a ski lodge and premium car parks.

Destination chargers can add an additional 93 kilometres to a Model S’ range over an hour and will replenish a flat Model S in an estimated four hours.

Tesla’s superchargers provide more range in less time; approximately 270 kilometres in 30 minutes.

The Model S 85 has an electric motor that produces 270kW of power and has a theoretical maximum range of 500 kilometres.

Recharging a Model S at a public station is free for Tesla owners.

Tesla plans on completing its supercharger network in Australia in 2016. The company has a strong network of superchargers in Asia, Europe and America with 439 stations hosting 2,419 superchargers.

Read <b>Playing chicken with a Tesla Model S</b>

Here's the full list of locations, as per Tesla's press release:

Locations include key hotels such as Park Hyatt Sydney, The Darling, Hotel Realm Canberra, The Observatory in Port Macquarie and to fulfil the winter snow travelers Rundells Alpine Lodge Dinner Plain. In addition, key shopping centres such as Westfield Chatswood and Chadstone have been utilised, with premium parking locations and wall units available to Model S owners.

An overview of current Tesla charging stations
An overview of current Tesla charging stations

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Tags TeslaModel SSuperchargerstationsModel S 85Motorsdestination charging program

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