The 14 hottest business apps

Okta lists the fastest growing app in its network

Slack? So hot right now. Source: Zoolander

Slack? So hot right now. Source: Zoolander

People at work want to use the apps and services that make their teams and organisations productive and effective. Our company, Okta, deals with companies’ cloud identities and mobility management. It is well positioned to see what is happening in this space and has launched a Businesses at Work report that, among other things, identifies which are the hottest, fastest-growing business apps right now. Wherever you work and whatever your role it’s likely you’ll be seeing and hearing more about the following apps:

1. Slack

Slack is a messaging app for teams that has recently taken the world by storm. It allows teams to have conversations, documents and tools all in one place. Its customer base in our network grew by 77 per cent in the second half of 2015.

2. Tableau

Tableau, a cloud app that helps businesses visualise their data grew 65 per cent in the second half of 2015. Tableau gives businesses the ability to simply see patterns and trends and has garnered interest within companies beyond data science teams. Real-time businesses analytics are a business imperative today, and Tableau is helping companies of every size and teams of varying functions, find signal in the noise.

3. New Relic

The use of platform app New Relic grew by a whopping 56 per cent in the Okta network. New Relic helps organisations monitor the performance of cloud, on-premises and hybrid applications. The cloud service gives business visibility and data.

4. Windows Azure

Everything is done in the cloud these days, so it’s no surprise that cloud computing platform, Windows Azure, which represents a collection of integrated cloud products, grew 46 per cent in the second half of 2015.


Acquired by LinkedIn in early 2015, has continued to surge in the Okta network, growing by 44 per cent in the second half of 2015 and moving from number 11 to number five in our fastest-growing apps list. As an online education provider that offers thousands of video courses, covering business, software, and creative skills, it is popular with business professionals.

6. DocuSign

DocuSign, has improved dramatically in our network, with a 41 per cent increase of customers. The company provides electronic signature technology and facilitates electronic exchanges of contracts and signed documents. Apps like DocuSign allow businesses to send, sign and approve work quickly and securely.

7. Pingdom

Pingdom is a useful website monitoring service that tracks and flags website uptime and downtime. Pingdom has grown 39 per cent in the last six months.

8. BlueJeans

BlueJeans is a video collaboration app that connects people, rooms and devices. Conferencing is a critical business task, and as the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, customers want a simple, stable way to communicate wherever they are. BlueJeans has grown by 38 per cent in our Network.

9. PagerDuty

Incident resolution application, PagerDuty, jumped up to the ninth fastest-growing app in the network after growing 37 per cent in the second half of 2015. It goes beyond helping its users respond to incidents, connecting them to their monitoring systems so they can collect events, identify what’s important, and resolve critical issues to proactively manage their uptime.

10. Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud jumped 36 per cent in the Okta network in the last six months of 2015. As Adobe has moved its applications to the cloud, creative and marketing teams benefit from easy access to creative tools such as Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.

11. Amazon Web Services

With a 36 per cent growth in our network, cloud computing platform, Amazon Web Services continues to be both a leading application and one of the fastest growing apps.

12. Lucidchart

Continuously on the rise, Lucidchart had a remarkable 34 per cent growth in the second half of 2015. Lucidchart provides a platform to create professional flow chart diagrams for brainstorming and project management purposes.

13. Trello

Trello is a project management tool that helps organise projects in a single place. Trello has grown at 32 per cent in the past six months. Users have the ability to post comments for feedback, upload files from various locations, add checklists and due dates, and turn on notifications to keep up-to-date on important changes.

14. ServiceNow

Our last fast mover, ServiceNow, grew 31 per cent in the last six months. Companies use ServiceNow to define, structure and automate the flow of work, removing dependencies on email and spreadsheets to transform the delivery and management of services.

Graham Pearson is Okta's APAC Vice President.

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