The CES Files: The Lumini Skincare Assistant

Credit: Lumini

While our coverage of this year's CES in Las Vegas was pretty comprehensive when it came to the big name announcements like LG's rollable OLED R TV, there was plenty of smaller, more-niche gadgets and gizmos that we didn't have time to spotlight during the show itself and got a little buried in the noise of the world's biggest consumer electronics tradeshow.

We're taking a moment to appreciate and highlight each of these products up in a new recurring feature called The CES Files, which we'll be running over the next month or so. Without any further hustle, here's the first installment.

While big flashy tech items like TVs and drones usually steal the spotlight at CES, health and beauty tech like the Lumini Skincare Assistant has become more and more prominent in recent years

Available in several different form-factors, it's being pitched as a B2B product for retail destinations like spas, cosmetic stores and beauty salons that can be used to recommend personalized skincare products to customers.

The Lumini Skincare Assistant uses a multi-spectral camera and AI-based face detection and light correction algorithms to analyse a customer's skin. Depending on what the assistant sees in the qualities of their wrinkles, pores and all the rest, it'll recommend an individual solution.

The company behind the Lumini Skincare Assistant, Lululab inc, began life as part of Samsung's C-Lab in 2015 before spinning off in 2017. They say they're pushing to roll out the Lumini Skincare Assistant to cosmetic businesses later this year.

You can read our The CES Files articles here and here.

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