PC World Evaluation Team Review

Brother RJ-4230B

Brother RJ-4230B

Reviewed by Christopher Low



This small mobile printer is exactly what I need for invoicing and other jobs such as sending fellow tradesman details or step-by-step instructions that I can easily print off from my phone or the Web.

I have a small handyman business where I do end jobs from painting to gardening and carpentry. After each job, I need to invoice the customer. This small mobile printer is exactly what I need for invoicing and other jobs such as sending fellow tradesman details or step-by-step instructions that I can easily print off from my phone or the Web.

In the past I have to do my invoices at home, using the office printer to mail them out or I would drop them off at a later time. As all my invoices, instructions and referrals are currently hand written, this printer makes life so much easier. This particularly applies to invoices, where I can load a template on the laptop/phone and then just change the date and customer details as required. It's also more professional – a printed copy looks far better than a handwritten one, especially in my hand writing! And the portability of the device is exceptional.

The RJ-4230B is also quite durable – it is water resistant and can survive being dropped from six feet. This is important for me.

The neck strap is a handy way to carry the device. It was a bit cumbersome to wear around the neck but a great way to hold by hand.

The LCD screen is easy to read and navigate your way around. That’s a real benefit.
I can’t emphasise enough how advantageous the portability of the RJ-4230B is to my line of work. And if the battery runs flat I can charge it from my car (12 volts) or I can charge it at home using 240V at the end of my shift.

Connectivity was straightforward and easy. I used the USB cable when on my laptop while I used Bluetooth to connect when using my phone. Both are user friendly and the speed of loading to print was pretty much identical with both. I actually loaded the Brother Print App onto my phone to make the whole process even easier.

Print quality is very good and there was no problem with smudging as the print dries fast. Print speed is also very fast. The printer was a little noisy but that really didn’t worry me at all.

In conclusion, I’m a tradesman who is on the road all of the time and whose car is his office. The RJ-4230B is ideal for me and makes a key part of my job much easier and also makes my business appear more professional. I would give it 4.5 stars out of 5. I highly recommend it to any other tradies who are looking for a way to print documents for their customers.

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