Stories by Stephen Lawson

IEEE approves 802.11g standard

A long-awaited standard for wireless LANs that offers more carrying capacity than the current IEEE 802.11b specification while using the same frequencies won final approval Thursday morning.

Palm teams up with IBM for Java apps

Enterprise Java applications will be able to run directly on Palm Inc. Tungsten handhelds now that Palm has licensed IBM Corp.'s WME (WebSphere Micro Environment) Java run-time environment, the companies announced Monday.

WLAN vendors embrace security spec

Makers of IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN equipment climbed on the bandwagon this week for a new security specification that may help pave the way for more wireless LANs in large enterprises.

RealNetworks to acquire

RealNetworks will add a few new instruments to its online music arrangement by acquiring for about US$36 million, the company announced Monday.

Cisco hopes to leverage network smarts in Linksys gear

Cisco Systems hopes to bring its advanced networking technology to products from its upcoming acquisition of Linksys Group when it can do so without charging a premium over Linksys' low-end prices, a Cisco executive said Tuesday.

Microsoft dives into VoIP with CE .Net 4.2

Windows CE .Net is poised to put VoIP (voice over IP) capability in handhelds, Windows-powered Smartphones and other devices with a set of enhancements for Version 4.2 to be outlined Wednesday at the Voice on the Net conference in San Jose, Californi...

CTIA - Gates pushes Microsoft focus on mobile

Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates on Wednesday used his keynote address at the first Microsoft Mobile Developer Conference to signal Microsoft's intention to play a major role in the mobile software business.

Gates to announce .Net Compact Framework

Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates on Wednesday will announce the worldwide launch of .Net Compact Framework, a tool that lets developers bring Microsoft's .Net technology to mobile devices, according to a company executive.

IDF - Intel targets network chips for low cost

Intel aims to provide the guts of network gear for homes and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with three new processors it announced Thursday at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Jose, California.

BIOS maker builds PC "bomb shelter"

Users with crashed PCs may be able to press a "panic button" and bring up a set of recovery and other utilities later this year if vendors start including a new data "bomb shelter" on the hard disk drives of their PCs.

Moore: Innovation key to keeping his Law alive

The steady growth in the density and performance of microprocessors described by Moore's Law may go on only for the next eight to 12 years with today's conventional technology, the author of that law said Monday.

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PCW Evaluation Team

Cate Bacon

Aruba Instant On AP11D

The strength of the Aruba Instant On AP11D is that the design and feature set support the modern, flexible, and mobile way of working.

Dr Prabigya Shiwakoti

Aruba Instant On AP11D

Aruba backs the AP11D up with a two-year warranty and 24/7 phone support.

Tom Pope

Dynabook Portégé X30L-G

Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable.

Tom Sellers


This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on – creating content was super simple.

Lolita Wang


It really doesn’t get more “gaming laptop” than this.

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