The Bidding Game

First, check out these tips and guidelinesGetting startedLet the bidding beginPayment and deliveryTips for smart biddingPlaying it safeAuction sitesPlaying it safe Despite the potential for abuse and scams, online auctions - even the person-to-person variety - are generally pretty safe. That's because dishonest operators attract a lot of attention. Auction sites and regular users spend a lot of time tracking down and keeping out the bad guys. But you can still get scammed if you're not careful.

A few basic tips:

Determine the seller's reputation. Most person-to-person sites have some sort of peer review system - check with former buyers to see if the seller has a history of good or bad dealmaking.

Make sure the auction site you're using keeps accurate files on users. eBay requires members to have a traceable e-mail address. Anonymous Web-based addresses must be supplemented with credit card information. It's a good policy, and tends to keep people honest.

In a person-to-person transaction, call your seller to cement the deal. Most sellers provide a phone number, and that's a good indication they're on the up-and-up. You can get a much better sense of a person on the phone than through e-mail.

Use the peer review system. This type of cooperative open-market policy only works if buyers provide feedback. If you had a good experience, say so. If you didn't, definitely say so!

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Amanda Conroy

PC World
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