Stories by Matt Peckham

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

You begin in a prison cart, hands bound, juddering down a mountain path as a chorus of French horns plays a mournful melody. You'll spend a lot of time navigating Skyrim's mountains -- whether you're climbing through their snowy heights or just stari...

Arkham City's Too-Forgiving Combat System

I'm asking for it, I really am: I'm nearly finished with story mode in Arkham City, about to ascend the loftiest tower in the prison-city's center, preparing to do battle with forces I won't spoil here. I've been playing on the hardest difficulty set...

Sony Distribution Center torched in London riots

Rioters in London apparently set Sony's Enfield-based DADC (Digital Audio Disc Corporation) facility ablaze last night, reducing the massive disc distribution center to flames and smoke. The massive multi-story, 20,000 square meter building would hav...

E3 2011: watch the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim demo

I actually kind of like Adam Sessler (see Sessler's cathartic Soapbox, "Killzone Mailbag"), though I have no idea what to make of Morgan "like huge frigging dragons!" Webb. And Bethesda's been a favorite developer for me personally since Morrowind. S...

PSN apology: What else would you have Sony do?

Now that the PlayStation Network’s back, Sony’s trotting out something it's calling a "PlayStation Network and Qriocity Customer Appreciation Program," prompting cries of "too much" or "too little" in certain press channels.

Is Sony’s PSN ‘Welcome Back’ enough?

Sony Japan’s explanation for the PSN’s takedown yesterday didn’t tell us much, but -- nearly a week and a half on -- at least the company apologized. Sony’s deputy president Kazuo Hirai took the stage, bent forward as if to touch his toes in a deep a...

Portal 2: a little better all the time

The fleeting hour I was able to devote to Portal 2 last night, dashing through the remainder of its suddenly capacious middle chapters, proved a little better than the dull, shallow preliminary five.

What you'll get in the Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK

If you're waiting for Microsoft's official do-it-yourself motion-sensing PC kit, you won't have to wait much longer. Microsoft says the Kinect for Windows software development kit (beta) will ship this spring, and they've put up a research page to pr...

Analyst: Apple iPhone 5 may slip to next year

Tired of all the will-they, won't-they iPhone 5 stories? Or are you secretly kind of jubilant each time they pronounce the iPhone-next's arrival "later than expected"? I'm talking about those of you who picked up a Verizon iPhone 4 in February (okay,...

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PCW Evaluation Team

Cate Bacon

Aruba Instant On AP11D

The strength of the Aruba Instant On AP11D is that the design and feature set support the modern, flexible, and mobile way of working.

Dr Prabigya Shiwakoti

Aruba Instant On AP11D

Aruba backs the AP11D up with a two-year warranty and 24/7 phone support.

Tom Pope

Dynabook Portégé X30L-G

Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable.

Tom Sellers


This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on – creating content was super simple.

Lolita Wang


It really doesn’t get more “gaming laptop” than this.

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