Stories by GamePro staff

Microsoft officially drops price of Xbox 360

Microsoft dropped the price of the Xbox 360 on Tuesday to coincide with the release of Madden NFL 08. Effective Wednesday, Xbox 360 premium will sell for US$349, the Core model for US$279, and the Elite model with larger hard drive for US$449.

Analyst expects second PS3 price drop in early '08

Industry analyst Micheal Pachter predicted on Tuesday that Sony will likely drop the price of the PS3 for a second time in early 2008 to coincide with the release of Grand Theft Auto 4. The news comes on the same day Microsoft formally dropped the pr...

Microsoft confirms HDMI port addition to Xbox 360

Microsoft confirmed late Wednesday the existence of newly updated Xbox 360 units that include HDMI support. The news comes amid reports that new machines are now available in U.S stores coinciding with today's price drops.

Xbox 360 overtakes Wii as most searched for console

Microsoft's Xbox 360 has surpassed total online searches for Nintendo Wii said web analytics firm Hitwise on Friday. New games, price drop rumors, and inquiries about hardware issues were all cited for the increase.

Xbox 360 cleans house in Game Critics Awards

Microsoft's Xbox 360 took top honors as the console with the most award-winning games at E3 this year according to the Game Critics Awards. Xbox 360 games took home 11 awards, followed by PS3 with eight, and Wii with just one.

E3 - Gamepro Debriefing: Best and Worst Games

Now that E3 madness is over, the editors and staff members of GamePro who attended the festivities can offer up their personal thoughts and feelings on the event. How did this year's E3 compare to those of years past? Which games left our fingers ...

Peter Moore leaves Microsoft for EA

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that Peter Moore has officially resigned as the president of its Xbox business. The Briton will be replaced by Don Mattrick, a former EA executive.

The most anticipated games of 2007 according to web traffic

GamerMetrics, which tracks online browsing habits for more than 30 million gamers, has compiled the most anticipated games for the second half of 2007 according to online page visits. Topping the list of prospective best sellers is Halo 3, followed b...

E3 - Halo 3 single-player unveiled

Frank O'Connor and Brian Jarrard from Bungie stood next to the recently revealed limited-edition Halo 3 Xbox 360 and an enormous high-def television. Over the next ten minutes, we saw the first public demonstration of Halo 3's secretive single-player...

E3 - THQ profiles several new games

Whoever said the new E3 didn't have booth babes obviously didn't attend THQ's press conference on Thursday morning. Though not as scantily clad as in years past, the THQ girls, actually two WWE divas, engaged in a Wii cat fight while playing Smackdow...

E3 - John Carmack discusses his newest game engine

While the onset of Epic's Unreal engine and the emphasis of casual games has taken a little shine off of his star, taking a meeting with John Carmack still feels like the rarest of events. It's something like climbing up to the peak of a mountaintop ...

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PCW Evaluation Team

Cate Bacon

Aruba Instant On AP11D

The strength of the Aruba Instant On AP11D is that the design and feature set support the modern, flexible, and mobile way of working.

Dr Prabigya Shiwakoti

Aruba Instant On AP11D

Aruba backs the AP11D up with a two-year warranty and 24/7 phone support.

Tom Pope

Dynabook Portégé X30L-G

Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable.

Tom Sellers


This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on – creating content was super simple.

Lolita Wang


It really doesn’t get more “gaming laptop” than this.

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