Stories by Harry McCracken

ABC puts TV shows online for free

Latest news in the rapidly-developing world of Internet TV: ABC is putting Desperate Housewives, Lost, Commander in Chief, and Alias up as free Webcasts, the day after their broadcast premieres. You'll be able to jump from chapter to chapter, but--he...

Parallels: A better way to run Windows on a Mac?

Another day, another significant development on the running-Windows-on-an-Intel-Mac front: Parallels, which makes virtualization software for running multiple operating systems on one computer, is releasing a <a href="

Apple helps you install Windows on a Mac

Well, this is interesting: Apple has released a beta of a new utility called Boot Camp--which lets you install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac, then dual-boot between XP and Mac OS X. Until this morning, putting Windows on a Mac was a quirky hack; n...

Living in the free world

For ages, PC World's annual cover stories on the Web's best freebies were newsstand blockbusters. And then an odd thing happened: We quit doing them. The planet's supply of no-charge gems seemed to be dwindling, as some acquired price tags and others...

No Vista until '07: Should you care?

"Microsoft Updates Windows Vista Road Map." That press release title is a pretty innocuous phrasing of a great big bombshell: Vista will miss the holiday season. Despite the press release's cheery statement that the product is "on track," it's slip-s...

Goodbye Microsoft Office, hello Web apps

Time for an experiment. I've enjoyed fooling around with browser-based productivity apps like Writely ( -- now a part of Google) and <a href="">ZohoWriter</a>.

Apple's newest stuff: Intel Mini, iPod Hi-Fi, cases

Well, looks like I didn't miss any world-changing announcements at this morning's Steve Jobs non-keynote at Apple headquarters. My colleague Narasu Rebbapragada made the trek to Cupertino and reports in here on the news, which includes Intel-based M...

Windows Vista versions unveiled

So the rumors are true: Microsoft is saying that it'll release six different editions of Windows Vista when the OS--due to show up late this year--arrives. (Actually, there will be twelve versions, since everything will be available in both 32- and 6...

Google's latest: Page Creator

I checked back--and <a href="">Google Page Creator</a> is indeed live, at least at the moment. It's a very, very simple Web-site designer that works in your browser. That's not a new idea (CoffeeCup did something along the sam...

Nifty browser-based word processor

I've been remiss in not mentioning ZohoWriter, a free browser-based word processor which, like Writely, offers a rich, fast-evolving set of tools. (Both ZohoWriter and Writely, like most serices built using AJAX techniques, offer desktop-like speed a...

TV on the 'Net: Ready for prime time?

Every once in a while, a technological development switches into fast-forward mode without warning. If you downloaded a TV show across the Internet on October 11 of last year, chances are you were cheerfully trampling on some media giant's copyright....

Songbird: Open-source iTunes killer?

I'm not sure if anyone or anything can kill anything music-related from Apple right now--or even give it a serious flesh wound. But Songbird is a new open-source music player, built on some of the same code as Firefox, that aims to change how people ...

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PCW Evaluation Team

Cate Bacon

Aruba Instant On AP11D

The strength of the Aruba Instant On AP11D is that the design and feature set support the modern, flexible, and mobile way of working.

Dr Prabigya Shiwakoti

Aruba Instant On AP11D

Aruba backs the AP11D up with a two-year warranty and 24/7 phone support.

Tom Pope

Dynabook Portégé X30L-G

Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable.

Tom Sellers


This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on – creating content was super simple.

Lolita Wang


It really doesn’t get more “gaming laptop” than this.

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